On monday, i had the distinct honor of traveling around the beltway in morning rush-hour traffic (read: NASCAR at slightly higher speeds) to go to one of my favorite places in the world, NIH. Many believe that NIH is a snazzy acronym for "National Institute of Health," but i am sure that is a mistake. My experiences have taught me that NIH stands for "Neal's Institute of Humor." Why do i say that? well here is a brief account of a recent experience i had there:
i was participating in a study studying something, but i have no idea what. anyway, they sat me down in a comfy chair, hooked up a little clip to my eyelid (at this point i started getting suspicious), and said: "if this hurts, please tells us."
oooooh shoot, perhaps i should have read the fine print on that 20 pg waver i signed.
well, i'm pretty tough kid, so i say: do your worst! ...and immediately regretted it. why? cuz they zapped me. i'm not kidding, they literally zapped my eyelid with electricity.
at first it wasn't too bad, and i said as much. he responded to my heroic display of manliness by promptly cranking up the voltage. when he zapped me again, i literally jumped out of my chair and may or may not have omitted a manly scream.
"did that hurt?"
"no not at all"
"ok, i'm going to zap you like that once ever 20 seconds for the next 15 minutes."
"ok i lied. that hurt like the dickens. turn it down."
...after 15 minutes of zapping, i was released and i high-tailed it for the door. unfortunately, NIH is enormous and i had no clue where i was and even more no clue where the front door was. after a couple of random turns (decided by playing eni, meani, miney, mo...) i ended up in the middle of a childrens hospital receiving a variety of curious stares from nurses, doctors, and dinosaur murals.
So, with memories of that lovely experience in mind, i went to bed last sunday, knowing my alarm clock was going to explode bright and early.
BANG*BANG*BANG*BANG (roughly the sound of my alarm at 5:45am)
"cccccripes! why.the.duece did i agree to this?"
after coming in third in the Grand Beltway NASCAR Cup (i lost to a mercedes and a cheater who used the HOV lane) i arrived at NIH.
"good morning sir, please drive down that road and park in the garage"
"ummm, sir, you drove down the wrong road"
"yeah...my bad, it's early."
after parking, i had to get on a shuttle. and i definitely cut in line in front of a really old lady. a total accident, but still probably the most ungentlemanly thing i've ever done.
after finally getting to where i was supposed to be, i had to fill out a questionnaire. a sampling of the questions:
"how tired is your right hand right now?"
my answer: well, i only worked out my left hand muscles at the gym last night, so i should be ok.
"are you feeling ambitions"
my answer: that's a stupid question.
"how much wood can a woodchuck chuck"
my answer: you have got to be kidding me.
they were then kind enough to teach me how to do the test that i would complete every morning for the whole week. i almost cried...it was the most boring thing i had ever done. i had to squeeze a little gizmo a bazillion times while sitting very still. and there was a wet sponge on my head which dripped water down the side of my face. the doctor would wipe the water off for me occasionally, and wow, did i feel like a baby--i'm sitting in high chair, i'm squeezing a stupid squeeze thing, i have a sponge on my head, and someone is wiping a mess off my face.
after i finished, i needed to go down to the main lobby and get a picture ID made. this lobby was big. there were chairs on one side, and the ID station was on the other side, and since the ID lady wasn't there yet, i sat down on one of the chairs. she then showed up, so i promptly walked across the big lobby:
click*clack*click*clack (the beating of my heart...haha jk, the sound of my footsteps echoing all over the lobby.)
"hi, i need an ID badge."
"hi, i need you to go sit down and wait for a minute."
(approaximently 3 seconds later) "ok sir, i'm ready, come on over"
"sir, please sit down and fill out this form"
"allrighty, i filled out your form."
"thank you"
"well, do i get my badge now?"
"no, please sit down so i can take your picture"
"excuse me sir, that's the wrong chair, please sit in the chair next to my desk"
"smile for the camera"
"i'm doing a jason bourne ID badge. no smiling"
"long story."
...now, those of you who are exceptionally bright will recall that i took a shuttle from security to my testing building. after exiting the building (i may or may not have been skipping), i was faced with three shuttle bus options. after playing eni, meani, miney, mo again, i choose the first shuttle:
"no, no, no"
"is this the shuttle?"
"but i'm pretty sure it is"
"no, no, no, no"
"but it said 'shuttle' on the side of it"
*awkward silence/angry stare*
"ok, i'm going to get of your shuttle"
after getting off the shuttle, i realized that it was indeed a shuttle...but it shuttled people to BWI airport. and i didn't particularly enjoy my last trip to BWI, so i was glad to have been "no, no, no-ed" off by the driver.
and my luck with shuttle number two wasn't much better. i was promptly shoo-ed off.
shuttle three got me to the gate.
yes, 'twas a lovely morning at NIH: Neal's Institute for Humor.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
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